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Font Awesome Alternatives - 8 Cool Icon Fonts

What alternatives are there to Font Awesome? There are quite a lot of them! Explore a range of pictogram fonts to support your graphic design projects.


It is translated in different ways - icon fonts, icon fonts, image fonts. In many cases, the English original name is also used.

They are used both in various graphic projects and directly on websites.

In the latter case, they very often accompany, for example, contact numbers (headphone icon), email addresses (envelope icon) or mobile menus (in this case we are dealing with the so-called hamburger icon, that is, three horizontal lines located one above the other).

They add variety to the message. This is their main task.

We would not be able to convey some information so quickly, clearly and clearly, if not for the pictograms. It is in them that graphic labels are hidden, where at first glance information is absorbed much faster than with the help of text.

You will learn much more about this in my other article, namely: Icons on websites - what do they do and how to choose the right one?

Among icon fonts, the clear leader is a service called Font Awesome.

He is famous for having more than five thousand icons in his collection. It is divided into free and paid versions. The free version obviously has a limited collection of icons.

What's more, the premium version also includes three different icon styles - solid (filled), regular (normal) and light (thin, thinner).

Is this icon pack recommended in absolutely all cases? Of course not. The style required for a particular project is not always the same as what Font Awesome offers.

Therefore, there are various alternatives to Font Awesome so that you can choose a much more suitable icon pack - for both a graphic design project and a website.

So see what Font Awesome alternatives you can find online.

Explore Font Awesome Alternatives - 8 Cool Icon Sets

1. Favicons

All the icons in this collection are in two styles - the first one is modeled after iOS apps and the second one is inspired by Android climates.

There are also over 60 icons representing the logos of various social networks and services.

In addition to the webfont, i.e. files that allow you to use Ionicons on the web, the authors have also released a designer package, i.e. an archive with all the icons in vector SVG format.

If you need extremely polished and meticulously crafted icons for both personal and commercial use, Ionicons is a great choice

2. Material Design Icons

used by Google and on Android devices.

While I would argue when it comes to evaluating the overall style aesthetic, this set certainly can't be denied diversity.

It just has a lot of icons. Moreover, the collection is periodically updated.This is all thanks to the community, whose members are suggesting that more symbols be added to this set.

When searching for a particular symbol, you will almost certainly find something that will prove useful for your project.

3. Octicons

If you're looking for an alternative to Font Awesome, Octicons certainly won't be one in terms of quantity. Instead, they may appeal to you with their style.

Octicons, the set presented to the world by the Github team, is quite "angular". It can be used in many projects where round shapes are lacking and any based on corners is preferable.

4. IcoMoon

IcoMoon, which has been known for many years, can serve as an alternative method to Font Awesome as much as possible.

Three service packs can be found on the site:

1. Lindua is a premium icon pack. There is no free version. It is characterized by extremely strong detail, a lot of detail in a very small area. Another feature is that in each icon a combination of both thin and thicker lines plays a central role.
2. Linearicons is divided into two versions - premium and free. The free version has 170 characters, while the paid version has over a thousand. I don't hide the fact that I'm a big fan of Linearicons because of the sharpness of the shapes and the obvious high attention to detail.
3. The IcoMoon set itself is divided into three versions: free (490 icons), standard (950 icons) and full (1600 icons). In the third option, in addition to the full set of icons, you get icons in photoshop shape format, as well as two-color, or two-color versions.
As you can see, there are plenty to choose from.

5. Captain Icon

Captain Icon is another suggestion that I love a lot.

Icons divided into several thematic categories, many file formats to choose from and, above all, unconventional style. All this is offered to you by Captain Icon.

This set features a hand-drawn, somewhat cartoony style. It is ideal for all everyday projects that require a touch of freshness and lightness.

6. Typographic Signs

An alternative to Font Awesome can also be found in the form of Typicons.

This set is characterized by rounded shapes and simple, rather uncomplicated items.

Like almost all the items in this set, it's free.

7. Fonts for icons

Those who are familiar with the Bootstrap framework have probably also reworked the Zurb Foundation.

The authors of the framework, which is in the shadow of Bootstrap, have also prepared an icon set called Foundation Icon Fonts.

I wouldn't call them exceptional in any way, but they certainly deserve attention. Foundation Icon Fonts are by no means exceptional, but they are definitely worth checking out.

8. IcoFont

IcoFont should definitely be mentioned in the same breath along with other recommended fonts of this type.


Currently, IcoFont contains over 2,100 icons. All of them are divided into thematic categories, where each of them contains several hundred characters.

But, most importantly, they are incredibly detailed. These incredibly clear icons are able to enrich any project characterized by professionalism and class with their wonderful style.

If you are looking for an alternative to Font Awesome, IcoFont will be a hit for you.

Are these all Font Awesome alternatives already?

Absolutely not.

Icon fonts are such popular types of fonts that you can find dozens and even hundreds of such sets on the Internet. Of those not listed above, the following are worth noting:

  • Themify Icons
  • Linecons
  • Dripicons
  • Zondicons
  • MFG Labs
  • Entipo

If you are looking for symbols to improve your work, be sure to view them all. If I had to point out one set that I think I like the most, I could recommend the IcoFont mentioned above.

Using the generator on the site, you can add only the icons you need to your pack. This is especially important when you want to embed only the most necessary icons on your site - without having to download extra and therefore unnecessary symbols.

Do you know any icon font sets that you think should be included in this list?

If yes, let us know in the comments.

Leave your details and we will call you back to discuss pricing and arrange a special discount just for you.
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