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Observing the activities of competitors on the Internet - what are the benefits?

Why is it beneficial to monitor the activities of competitors on the Internet? What are the benefits of watching competitors online? We answer!


The reason is simple - you can draw extremely favorable conclusions from this when it comes to your own business.

So find out what specific benefits you can get by doing this.

1. Be able to build the best offer

Offer pages are an extremely important part of any website owned by a company.

It is their content (both the words used and the purely graphical representation) that often determines whether a person decides to call or not.

The language of benefits is very important here. It focuses on the use of words that in some way give an idea of ​​the advantages and benefits that will come into the life of the client after accepting the offer.

In other words, this type of storytelling does not focus on the company or the offer itself. He does not extol, does not emphasize superlatives. It specifically says: "If you choose us, you will get benefits A, B and C."

Why am I mentioning the language of benefits here?

Because it is regularly used by the "big ones". competitors who are somewhat better at building their offers and presenting them on offer pages on their own site.

This is not the only advantage of observing the activities of competitors on the Internet in terms of your offer.

Many companies use different forms of quotes. In order to find out the price for any service, you must provide certain data. Some require more, others less.

This is quite logical, since some services cannot be put on a store shelf with a price label attached. They are influenced by various variables.

Therefore, looking at the competition from this point of view can provide some insight into how best to approach it. If you need to create a proposal form like this, would it be cost-effective to design a large panel, or would it be better to limit it to just a few fields?

What's more, you don't have to choose one specific solution right away. By doing an A/B test, you can figure out which option is best for you.

I have some more of our texts for you to complement this release:

  • How to stimulate the offer on the site?
  • An offer on the site - how to create and show it?
  • How to effectively present an offer on the site?
  • How to convince in an offer on the site?

2. Write better blog posts

Observing your competitors online can be applied to blogging as well.

In general, businesses blog mostly to get Google reach. With each additional valuable text, the likelihood that the company will be found on the Internet increases.

Most guides on this topic will tell you that it's a good idea to write "better than your competitors".

That's right - "better". What does it mean?

First, your texts should be more valuable.They should have more useful information that readers will really appreciate. For example, your competitors offer ten ideas for solving a problem in one post. Come up with ten more ways and serve them to the table, so that in the end you get twenty. Make your text tens or hundreds of percent more complete.

Secondly, it is very easy to determine which template of the subpage containing the post is prettier. If your competitors page is visually better, it's simple - improve the look of your own. Improve what is missing and make other elements better than your competitors.

Third, look for gaps in your competitors blogs. If they aren't discussing a topic you stumble upon in their posts, you have the perfect opportunity to write a text about it.

3. Introduce technical innovations on the site

Of course, I absolutely do not urge anyone to plagiarize or "borrow" anything. However, healthy inspiration is always possible.

If you notice interesting solutions on competitor sites, try adapting them to your own.

Attractive animations? Interesting icon style? Small but handy features?

As I said, minor changes of this kind that are just inspiring should not be ethically reprehensible in any way.

4. Mobilize to improve the appearance of the site

Watching what your competitors are doing online can be very rewarding as it sometimes mobilizes you into action.

If a person sees that an opponent has something better, he wants to surpass him in this regard. If you leave it alone while you climb to the next level, it's only good. By doing this, you will not harm anyone, but only improve your own qualities.

This could refer to the graphic design of a website, for example.

It's common for websites to change trends every few months or so. More or less every such period, you will notice a new feature that appears bolder and bolder on a variety of sites.

If you see that your site is lagging behind others, the matter is simple - it's time to act. Since others have been able to rise to the next level during this time, there is no excuse for you.

Moreover, you have an advantage. Others did it first, so you know what state their sites are in. You see the pros and cons, as well as room for improvement. By taking advantage of this, you can simply do something better.

5. SEO activity

Watching your competitors online activity is an important feature offered by services like Ahrefs.

They allow you to check the keywords for which your competitors appear in organic Google results. Through it, they evaluate the level of traffic. They also indicate which specific subpages are generating the most views for them.

Such knowledge is extremely important because it shows you fields for action. You can see which keywords are worth fighting for. You can also see which phrases are not busy enough (but valuable enough) to have a high chance of success.

6. Stay relevant

This is what I kind of mentioned in the fourth paragraph, but it's worth devoting a small, but separate paragraph to this issue.

Websites are very dynamic formations. A website can change from day to day - something new can be added to it, something that doesn't work can be improved.

Since every industry is densely populated nowadays, there are many competing companies. It is important to have something that distinguishes the site from competitors and makes visitors trust it more than others.

Therefore, it is useful to regularly "snoop" back and forth, watch, view and compare. The more knowledgeable you are, the better.

It all depends on what you will do with this knowledge.

Surveillance of competitors online - text summary

As I have said many times, there is absolutely nothing wrong with surveillance.

It's useful to keep your finger on the pulse and "know what's in the grass."

Therefore, if you start to notice that your competitors are ahead of you in something, keep up. Reaction.

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