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Frequently asked questions on the site and in the online store - that's why you need them

The FAQ section on your website and store can be an extremely useful feature that will save both you and your customers time.


There are many reasons why having a FAQ on your website and online store is a great idea.

In this post I will try to explain in simple terms:

  • What is a FAQ?
  • Why should websites have FAQs?
  • Where can I get questions for the FAQ?
  • How should the FAQ be written?

What is FAQ and why?

This is nothing more than a FAQ section, which additionally contains answers to these questions.

The FAQ on your website and online store is also the first page that customers visit looking for answers to their questions before contacting you directly.

If your FAQ is written correctly, it contains the most frequently asked questions and a simple explanation of problems, it can help buyers at different stages of the purchase. He may also decide to cooperate with your company.

In a word, frequently asked questions on your website and online store reduce the anxiety of customers, for example, when making purchases, which can affect their final quantity and your income.

Why should websites have FAQs?

Responding quickly to customer questions is the main purpose of the FAQ page, but the page can have much more features and benefits than you think.

1. Frequently Asked Questions save time

The first point of reference for customers is a well-written and organized FAQ.

This will help them find answers to quick questions they would otherwise have to ask directly to you, thus wasting your precious time.

If a customer misses the FAQ, you can direct them to the appropriate subpage or quickly copy the answer and paste it into an email.

2. Frequently Asked Questions build relationships with clients

One of the main elements of building a relationship with a client is gaining his trust.

Customers who receive an FAQ on a good day are comforted by the fact that you are trying to be transparent and solve problems from the very beginning.

FAQ also significantly increases the rating of your company in the eyes of customers, so you get a loyal audience that will constantly return to you because of a positive attitude towards cooperation.

3. The FAQ puts you in the position of an expert

The FAQ on your website and online store is the perfect place to showcase your expertise.

This increases the likelihood that repeat visitors will become your customers, as they will get the impression that you have professional knowledge and extensive experience in your industry.

4. Frequently Asked Questions improve menu navigation

FAQ pages are often used as an integral part of site navigation, since many questions can be related to the relevant subpage of your site, such as "Warranty" or "Terms and Conditions".

Therefore, FAQs are a great way to build an internal link network.

5. FAQs improve search engine performance

FAQs not only help users, but can also help you rank higher in search results.

The FAQ page contains frequently asked questions, relevant answers, keywords, and a lot of other valuable information that a search engine might find valuable, which can certainly move you higher in the rankings.

6. Frequently Asked Questions will help you better analyze your website traffic

Regular analysis of data about your website visitors can provide interesting information.

This includes a variety of questions, from finding out where users most often come from, how long they stay on the site, which FAQ subpage is the most visited, to whether customers are more likely to buy a product after reading the FAQ section.

In addition, by analyzing the data you receive, you will be able to better organize and tailor your FAQs to make them more useful to your customers and their needs.

Where do you get your FAQ questions from?

The best sources of questions for FAQs are your inboxes containing support questions and regular correspondence with customers.

Moreover, being an expert in your niche, you will be able to anticipate some of your customers' questions.

A good source of questions for the FAQ are also sites of older and more experienced competitors.

Therefore, when deciding on a specific question for the FAQ, focus on its relevance to the search engine, its usefulness, and the possibility of additional questions.

In this way, you will turn the FAQ section into a brilliant interconnected guide that every client will appreciate.

How should the FAQ be written?

1. Answer the questions

This seems like an obvious thing, but many answers to frequently asked questions are voluminous, which makes you spend too much time reading them.

Do not go into unnecessary details, the answer should be short and concise.

If the question asked requires more in-depth analysis, and the problem is very complex, consider writing a separate guide on your blog. Don't forget to add a backlink to the FAQ.

In addition, it is good to use simple words so that each client understands what you want to convey to him.

2. Use the language of your customers

When writing answers to frequently asked questions, use the language of your customers, not jargon or professional names that you use when communicating with someone in the industry.

Such answers will be as customer-focused as possible, which will avoid ambiguity.

If you doubt that the FAQ is simple enough, use a small poll solution at the end of each answer that asks the client if the answer was helpful or not.

3.Do not duplicate existing information

If the information you need is already on your site, do not duplicate it, just provide a link.


Duplicate content can negatively affect the visibility of this subpage in the Google index.

For example, if the terms of the warranty are already presented on another page, please provide a link to it and possibly indicate a subpage related to the question asked.

4. Develop convenient navigation

Create a FAQ section on your website and online store so that everyone can easily navigate it.

Most of us don't read the whole text, but only scan the most important subsections. So avoid a single block of text and opt for a break.

If the FAQ is extensive, for example, sorting by category will be useful, and the search engine will make it much easier to find relevant items.

Also don't forget to hide the FAQ page. You can even include it as a menu item on your site or as a section of every product or service subpage.

Why are FAQs so important on your website and online store?

FAQ is a valuable tool. They provide quick access to data and also help users get the information they need without having to contact you or customer support directly.

A well-written FAQ will greatly improve the performance of your entire site and allow you to take a breath and calm your nerves from asking the same questions every day.

Also remember that despite creating an effective FAQ on your website and online store, visitors will still ask the same questions (albeit to a lesser extent), but then you will have the opportunity to quickly copy the answer or go directly to FAQ.

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