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Why does a simple and clear website convert better?

Everyone wants to have the best site that combines two characteristics: it is beautiful and easy to use, which allows you to quickly achieve your goals.


Everyone wants to have the best site that combines two characteristics: it is beautiful and easy to use, which allows you to quickly achieve your goals. Therefore, it is worth considering why a simple and understandable site converts better and whether it can be attractive to users at the same time.

In reality, unfortunately, it happens that site owners change the entire site for themselves and consider it ideal, and then they are surprised that it does not bring them any benefit.

It usually looks like this:

  • We add all the services we offer, even those that are not related to the characteristics of the business.
  • We post a lot of colorful and large photos that are usually downloaded from the Internet or taken with a mobile phone, which, unfortunately, affects their quality and lack of uniqueness.
  • Due to the fact that I just don't know the basics of UI / UX, we choose unreadable fonts, do not highlight the most important features of our business, and so on.
  • Therefore, two principles should be followed from the very beginning: a simple and understandable website is the key to success.

A simple design basically always works. It doesn't matter if it's a website, a newsletter template, or a flyer. A simple and good design can be visually appealing and create a better first impression with customers, which will directly translate into conversions and profits.

In this regard, why is simple simplicity the best option in many cases?

Help users identify what you have to offer

Going online every day, you will inevitably visit dozens of sites that will present you with hundreds of offers and thousands of reasons to subscribe and use their products or services before you even know what this site.

Following the principle of simplicity, it is important that users immediately understand what you are selling and why they should buy your product.

Of course, you might think that all this information is already on your site - beautifully highlighted and displayed.

However, remember that there is such a thing as "too much information".

Trying to provide a lot of information right after you landed on the site is repulsive and you repel potential customers right away. You should also know that most of us don't even read all those beautiful marketing offers, but rather scan the most important ones with our eyes, and only then, perhaps, read the rest of the text.

Now think of your website in these terms:

  • Why would anyone buy something from me when you can find the same thing elsewhere in less time and without having to read so much text?
  • A clean and simple website tells users from the very beginning what it is about and how it can help them. If your site requires the client to read a long text, then it is worth breaking this activity into several steps that lead to the following actions.

Even if the client is already bored halfway through, it will be more difficult for him to leave your site, because he has already completed so many steps that it will not make sense for him to look for an alternative.

Speeds up page loading

We all know this - pages open in a reasonable time on a computer, but on phones and other mobile devices it sometimes takes forever.

The advantage of a simple design is that it usually doesn't require thousands of JavaScript files to provide you with content and some options.

That's why every second counts in the age of mobile devices.

And every extra one increases the so-called bounce rate, which determines the percentage of users who leave your site a few seconds after entering.

So if you can speed up your website loading time, the aforementioned bounce rate will definitely improve as well, at least on mobile devices.

How do you do it?

Just get rid of unnecessary images, plugins, add-ons and optimize already added graphics.

It is also worth doing a Google PageSpeed ​​Insights test, which will show what aspects of your site still need to be improved.

Less problems and bugs

Unfortunately, but you have to assume from the very beginning that your site will have some problems and bugs. It's unavoidable.

However, there will be much fewer of them on a simple and understandable site than on a complex one.

The main thing is that you can quickly fix the errors that have arisen.

That's why a simple design, among other things, makes work easier:

  • Detecting errors in language, grammar, etc.
  • Find design flaws on mobile devices.
  • Download speed up in general.
  • Maintain security.

Remember that the errors that the user encounters will definitely negatively affect the final conversion rate.

Therefore, if your site (especially based on WordPress) is "cluttered" with various unnecessary plugins, then you also need to remember that any (even the smallest) update can break the entire site.

Due to update problems, some new features are lost, and the whole simple process invented by the developers becomes very complicated and difficult to pass without the help of a person with the right knowledge base.

Summary of this subsection:

A simple and understandable site is the ease of creation and simplicity of the source code, painless updating and effective editing of the site itself, both text and images.

Generates more trust

Think about the last time you visited an obscure online store with niche products or services. Now remember how you felt when you added items to your shopping cart.

Of course, at the very beginning you were attacked by mailing pop-ups.You then spent a few minutes searching for the item you were looking for, then canceled the purchase because the mobile version of the site on your phone was calling to heaven.

Unfortunately, but this product is very niche and you should buy it because it is only available in this store. In this regard, you turn on the laptop, but the strange sensation at first does not disappear at all.

You are worried about the security of your personal data.

Now - as the owner of an online store - put yourself in the place of a buyer.

If a customer cannot trust such a store, what will he do? In most cases, he leaves such a store and looks for another one.

A simple site design will help you avoid such problems. From the very beginning, the buyer will know where and what to click on in order to buy this or that product. Moreover, he will be able to do it from his phone, because your site was very easy to understand, and loading time was not a limiting factor.

Trust in such an online store automatically increases along with the chances that a customer will buy a product or decide to take advantage of your offer.

What are the benefits of a simple and clear website?

First, if you want to increase your conversion rate, take a look at your site and decide for yourself if it's too chaotic and overwhelming for regular users.

If the answer is yes, then remember that from now on your goal is simplicity and clarity.

By "shrinking" your site, you reduce load time, which is a very important factor when it comes to mobile devices, as you won't lose more customers due to the long time to open your new simple site.

Users will not have difficulty finding the information they need.

In addition, the simple design of the site makes it easy to browse the information, which is the most important factor when it comes to blogs.

If your site is still too complex and incomprehensible for users and you try to achieve a satisfactory conversion rate, this will affect customer acquisition and, subsequently, your income.

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