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Elements on the page to increase conversion - 11 offers

There are many tricks for increasing conversions, but in essence, it is the content and elements created on the page that determine whether the user will complete the set business task.


There are many tricks to increase conversions, but in essence, it is the content and elements created on the page that determine whether the user will complete the business task.

Achieving this goal is very often desired on the websites of companies or online stores, where the owner expects the website to generate as many requests and orders as possible.

In other words, it will convert.

So what elements on the site increase the conversion? The ones that build trust and improve the user experience. So, let's look at what needs to be included on the site to achieve this goal.

Suggested elements on the site to increase conversion

1. All graphics

It can be argued that the presentation layer of a website is text and images. Text is the absolute foundation, but without the right graphics, even the best material won't promote interaction.

Therefore, all the graphics on the site are extremely important in terms of attracting the attention of the audience and creating a positive impression. In addition, today there are a number of options, because in addition to static images, illustrations, icons or, more and more popular, animation work well.

A site enriched with such graphics becomes more colorful, which makes a positive impression in the eyes of the audience. This, in turn, is an important step in attracting users to your brand.

2. Video

As you already know, static graphics are a great opportunity to increase the attractiveness of the site. It's also worth including videos that have a variety of uses.

This seems to be most useful for pages that are usually sales-focused (like a landing page) or offer a product. Showing it in action is a great and, most importantly, very quick way to demonstrate the capabilities of the product. Often, 2-3 minutes is enough for a video to present enough qualities to intrigue the users who watch it and encourage them to buy.

3. Customer Reviews

If we are describing elements on the site that increase conversion, we cannot fail to mention reviews - one of the most important elements in this regard. Why? Because we want something to back up every buying decision. I don't think there are many situations where users buy a product without at least checking what others have written about it. The same applies to any service.

We always want to check if the desired products or services are worth buying. Therefore, reviews are a great opportunity to do this. They show us what others think of the company in question, their feelings and comments. In addition, positive feedback affects our trust. After reading a few of them, we immediately begin to look at the company / product more favorably and usually just decide to make a purchase or take advantage of the offer.

4.Customer logos

Like testimonials, customer logos are elements of the so-called social proof family. By their presence, they convince us of a brand or product. They also show that others already trust the brand, so why shouldn't I?

This is all the more true when the logo is accompanied by a more familiar symbol. This increases prestige, which is desirable in terms of conversion.

5. Button or CTA section

Conversion is usually equated with establishing a contact, registering or making a purchase. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to design the page in such a way that the user can easily achieve this goal. Thus, a CTA button or an entire CTA section is another element to increase conversions.

These buttons direct the user to the right place on the page. They simply help the user "get" to the desired destination, such as the contacts tab. The thoughtful inclusion of such an element can effectively increase the frequency of achieving the goal.

In addition, they are very easy to implement, as there are many places where they will work great and be effective. For example:

  • a slider or so-called hero image
  • at the end of each subpage
  • in the middle of the content
  • as an interlude between the content of the respective subpages
  • in the footer
  • in the sidebar of the page, the so-called sidebar

6. USP

Another thing that will help increase the desired conversion is the creation of the so-called USP (Unique Selling Proposition). This is nothing more than a presentation, for example in the form of an advertising slogan or keyword phrase, of a unique feature that your competitors do not have.

It is extremely important to have such value - especially now, when there is very high competition in almost every industry. So with this kind of uniqueness, you will be able to stand out from a really dense crowd and, above all, present yourself to users in a completely different light.

7. Contact information

This may seem like a rather banal moment, but when browsing various sites, you can too often encounter a situation where even the address data is missing on the company's website. Of course, this is not necessary, but the lack of such data seriously undermines the credibility of this brand and immediately arouses suspicion.

In addition, contact details are also a kind of element showing the "strength" of the brand. A multi-branch company presents contact details broken down by specific area of ​​responsibility (eg customer service office, secretariat, management) and certainly immediately evokes prestige. This proves that we are dealing with a specific company.

8. Realizations

Realizations are, in a sense, an example of what a given company can do. It is a demonstration of the possibilities and an acknowledgment of the services rendered to others.

Such an element significantly influences the purchase decision, so its placement can play an important role in terms of conversion. In fact, the user can decide based on the implementation because he can see, in some way, what effect he can expect. While it is true that not every industry provides a service that can then be hosted as an implementation.

9. Demo

To stimulate the full offer, it's best to just show the demo. Nothing motivates full service quite like a model of opportunity.

This is a very common procedure in which the user has the opportunity to test the product. Usually, the features are not fully unlocked, of course, but they are available enough to encourage subsequent use of the full offer.

In addition, the user does not have to blindly buy something, but there is an opportunity to experience the qualities first hand. While demoing usually works well in industries where online tools are involved, online stores can also take advantage of this procedure, such as in the cosmetics, wedding (invitation) or food industries.

10. Benefits

We often touch on the topic in our posts that a brand should avoid constant bragging based on "I am this", "we are that", "we are X", because in essence it is not very interesting for the user. . He or she is interested in self-interest, i.e. what he or she will actually get by making a purchase or using a service.

Therefore, highlighted elements with benefits for the user are a great way to convey information to him or her about what he or she will receive and what problems will be fixed.

11. Certificates, awards, prizes

Additional elements on the site that increase conversion are all kinds of awards and won certificates. Like implementation, various awards show recipients that you are qualified enough in your industry and successful.

It also contributes to the formation of a positive image among your audience and encourages cooperation. The person on the other side of the screen sees that he is dealing with a reliable brand.

What conversion-increasing page elements are cost-effective?

All conversion-boosting elements on the site are primarily designed to build brand trust and improve user experience.

They are united by the fact that they are created taking into account the interests of the user. The user is the most important part of any content on the site, and by using these elements, you can be sure that users are more likely to respond to you.

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