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Order promotion of a car leasing website

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AVIS SEO promotion case

We will tell you how we promoted the business card site of the leasing company in the TOP Google and what results we achieved during the year of promotion. Work on the client's website is carried out within the framework of the "MAXIMUM" SEO promotion package.

B2B, SEO, Automotive, Leasing, B2B
SEO promotion
SEO promotion of AVIS leasing! - photo №1

Purpose of the client:

Our regular client Avis asked for the development of a business card site for car leasing . In more detail, you can see the stage of development and launch of the Avis Leasing website. Even at the moment of development, we understood that the site needs high-quality SEO, the company is one of the world's brands and the client's goal was to get top positions for key queries, popularize and brand awareness in Ukraine.

Having analyzed the niche of promoting car leasing sites , we were able to reconcile a clear strategy to achieve our goals.

Initial site analysis

Considering that the site is small, and deploying a large version will reconcile with the company's business processes , we realized that it is possible to catch up with competitors and gain a foothold in a niche only through high-quality optimization and content. It was important for the search engine to show the seriousness of the site as a niche leader and the quality provision of information to the site users. At the very beginning:

  • Conducted a technical analysis of the site, what can be added for SEO;
  • Highlighted the main directions for which you can get traffic;
  • Prepared a semantic core;
  • Highlighted the main competitive advantages and technical aspects for the site.

Initial indicators:

  • Semantic core (queries) in tracking: 686 queries
  • High traffic potential: 29 pages
  • Traffic potential : 42,960 clicks per month (according to Adwords)

Site positions at start:

The site was created from scratch, initially it cannot be in the search results, so it makes no sense to fix the starting indicators.

Building a growth strategy

Our company specializes in promoting resources of varying complexity; give effectiveness to the project. Since the site was new, with a new domain, content, semantic load, we had to build a strategy to consistently optimize and improve the quality of the resource as useful in the car leasing niche.

At the time of creation, there were a number of mandatory tasks for implementation, which already ruled out most of the technical issues and included search engine recommendations.

Stages of promotion work:

  • Building a site structure to cover requests;
  • Improving page crawling and indexing rates;
  • Basic recommendations for a search engine recommendation;
  • Increasing domain indicators for car leasing and related words;
  • Writing and placing targeted content on promoted pages;
  • Formation of new blocks, increasing the usefulness of the site;
  • Adding a blog with the publication of targeted content;
  • Reaching regional user requests;
  • As the functionality is added, the website speed is increased and the mobile version is optimized ;
  • Increase in landing pages that a user can visit;

SEO results

Avis Leasing website is fast enough began to get high positions, gradually increasing indicators for low and high-frequency user queries. At the moment, the site has received the TOP results for the queries of interest and safely keeps them. When promoting the site, only white methods were used, no link purchases , only content and technical optimization. Considering that competing companies look more like aggregators and work according to a completely different methodology, the promotion of the Avis car leasing website can be considered a very successful case.

The client received the desired result and will continue to cooperate on the creation and promotion of sites on other topics. All indicators can be seen below. We are not resting on our laurels and are preparing to expand the site for an even larger number of users.

  • Semantic core (requests) in tracking: 686 requests
  • High traffic potential: 29 pages
  • Traffic potential: 42 960 clicks per month (according to Adwords)

Overall position growth :

TOP at the moment Number of requests (was) % of requests in the TOP (was) Number of requests (now) % of requests in the TOP (now)
TOP 1 0 0% 118 17.20%
TOP 3 0 0% 332 48.40%
TOP 5 0 0% 499 72.74%
TOP 10 0 0% 593 86.44%
TOP 30 0 0% 679 98.98%
TOP 100 0 0% 686 100%
Not in TOP100 686 100% 0 0%

Changing positions by keywords:

Search term Frequency Position on start Position now
Car Leasing 2400 > 100 1
cars for lease Ukraine 390 > 100 1
car lease 2400 > 100 2
car on lease 1900 > 100 2
leasing auto 2400 > 100 3
cars for lease Kiev 720 > 100 4
lease a used car 480 > 100 5
finance lease 210 > 100 6
  • Frequency - the number of searches per month
  • Position at the start - during the initial analysis of positions
  • Position now - after our work

Site visits month comparison:

Indicator 01/2020 01/2021
Google analytics clicks 1374 4222
Google search console clicks 974 5342
Google search console impressions 32314 178284

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  1. Website promotion;
  2. Website development.

Service prices

SEO package "OPTIMAL"
(for B2B websites)
500 $ / month
SEO package "ADVANCED"
(for B2B websites)
700 $ / month
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