To order the development of an online electronics store, simply leave a request on our website using the pop-up form or by visiting the contacts section. If you liked our case study, you can order an online store for your electronics shop by filling out a brief on our website and selecting “development of an online electronics store”. Alternatively, scroll up to the top of the page and click the “Order an online store” button.
Our client is a company in the USA that buys used iPhones and iPads for repair and resale. To automate their processes, they needed an online store for buying and selling iPhones and iPads.
The client approached us to develop an online store where it would be possible not only to buy but also to rent Apple equipment for a fee.
1. Create an Apple equipment catalog with custom filter parameters within the online store. Additionally, implement payment via PayPal Express Checkout and connect to the American USPS delivery service.
2. Implement the "recycling" functionality, which involves evaluating used iPhones and iPads on the website and receiving an offer for their sale.
3. It was necessary to complete all the preparatory work for future SEO strategies in the US market.
At the start of the website development, the client did not have detailed guidelines or instructions for using the brand manual (nor the brand manual itself). Therefore, when designing the website’s style we based our work on the company logo and our other portfolio projects, selecting references that the client liked. We successfully prepared a modern, lightweight, and functional design for an online store specializing in Apple products. The client was satisfied, requesting only minor adjustments related to the company's business processes.
In addition to the basic functionality of an online store where customers can purchase their Apple products, we needed to implement numerous "trade offers" and integrate them with the resell function on the website. In the USA, it is common practice to resell iPhones and iPads. The equipment is bought with a specific operator card, the phone's condition is assessed, and other factors such as the model, memory capacity, and color are considered. Each of these parameters affects the price of the phone. Consequently, each product listing contains variations for 10-15 trade offers, depending on the configuration.
Another unique feature of this online store for Apple products is the option for customers to sell their devices to the company. To facilitate this, we had to create many product variations and develop a precise formula for calculating the value of an iPhone, ensuring it was satisfactory for both users and the company. Additionally, we included functionality for promotions, discounts, popular products, and recommended products.
Color palette and typography
After agreeing on the deadlines at the start, we delivered the project one week later than planned. This did not result in negative feedback from the client, as there were delays on both sides and we made every effort to expedite the process. Following the development of the online store, we assisted with selecting hosting, transferred the website to its domain, and proceeded to the next stage: SEO strategy in the US market. We were pleased to receive positive feedback from the client on our work!
SERVICES: design + development
DESIGN: 14 unique pages
MOBILE VERSION: responsive
CONTENT: graphic elements
TERM: 6 weeks
BUDGET: $ 3900
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