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How to optimize a landing page? - 6 tips

By its nature, a landing page is a page with a rather specific design. It consists of popular elements that - at least in theory - should effectively support lead acquisition. However, not all pages are the same. Sometimes, despite using a USP, CTA buttons, and catchy copy, the landing page doesn't quite live up to expectations.


How to check if a landing page is effective? 

Well, the most obvious symptom is simply a lack of interest in your services. If this situation occurs, then something is wrong. 

There are many tools available to help you learn how to optimize your landing page. Even a basic package like Google Analytics can provide a lot of valuable information. With it, you can, in particular, see how high a percentage of your inboxes are using your calls to action, which encourage users to take an action related to you. 

In a similar situation, one cannot fail to mention the Hotjar service package. 

Hotjar, best known for its so-called "heat map" feature, has several tools to help you learn how to optimize your landing page. 

These heatmaps show the "clickability" of certain areas of the site. Those that generate the least interest are marked in gray and dark blue. As users' attention grows, colors move from blue, green, yellow to red - like on maps presented in weather forecasts. 

This is a very eye-pleasing graphic form that allows you to quickly get an idea of ​​the situation. With heatmaps, you will know at a glance which areas of your site are of interest to visitors and which are not. 

With Hotjar, you can also learn how visitors navigate your site. The service for playing records showing cursor movement is extremely important. In addition, such data can tell you how to optimize your landing page so that the user behavior chain is closer to the one you set. 

So let's take a look at the most significant elements, changing which can significantly increase the conversion of your landing page. 

How to optimize your landing page? - 6 tips 

1. Look at the headlines 

Many website owners make a basic mistake. They try to develop texts (or commission their creation) that say a lot about their company in the first place. Although in some cases this is justified, in general, such information is of no interest to anyone. Trust me. 

We are all interested in what this or that service can offer us. We want to know how this can change our lives for the better. If it matches what we are currently looking for, then we will use it. Just. 

Therefore, it is very important what information you give visitors in your headlines. After all, it is these texts that we pay special attention to. 

Make sure they speak the so-called benefit language. Specify what "pain points" your product or service will eliminate. 

2. Evaluate the suitability of graphics 

Flat design style graphics dominate the elements that characterize an effective landing page.

This is not surprising, since their message is simple and clear. They quickly reach our consciousness. This is due to the fact that we absorb visual information much more efficiently - our brain processes it faster than purely textual information. 

Look at the graphics used on your site. Are they clear enough? Do they convey any value? 

Don't let your site be graphic by chance. The visual message is just as important as the text. 

3. Check the number of clicks on the CTA 

Call to action buttons are perhaps the most recognizable elements of almost every landing page. Their function is to attract the attention of visitors and direct them to certain places. 

A lot of people don't really understand how much even one button can mean. 

A few days ago we had the pleasure of reworking the content of a website. By simply changing the color of the buttons, the percentage of people clicking through to the most relevant sections increased. It was enough to apply the principle of contrast. CTAs, as they began to stand out with their unique color, became much more visible. 

Remember, however, that button color isn't everything. Their location and accompanying text are also important. 

4. Improving Forms 

Form inefficiency is one of the reasons website owners wonder how to optimize their landing page. 

Form is a kind of gateway. By filling it out, you will receive information that will make the path to acquiring a client much shorter. Therefore, their role is extremely important. 

The most common mistakes in forms include: 

  • being unattractive 
  • taking too long to fill out 
  • lack of staging 
  • use of inappropriate field types 
  • not enough CTAs, guides to the form 
  • lack of analysis of their effectiveness 

A very good post on our blog was created by Bartlomey Kilian on this topic - optimizing the form on the site as a way to get more profit. I highly recommend the mentioned text. 

5. Rewrite texts 

In the first paragraph of this note, I pointed out that headings play a key role on landing pages. 

Although section headings are very important, the rest of the text on the page should not be overlooked. 

Headlines grab attention. When they interest us, we usually also read the accompanying minor information. Their role is to develop the topic and provide more detailed information. 

Your task is to find the golden mean between appearance and cost. 

First, make sure that the texts are just useful. They must provide up-to-date information. The message should be appropriately adapted to your target group. 

Secondly, do not forget about the correct presentation of content.For example, use bullets and bold, and change the colors of selected elements. 

The right combination of these characteristics ensures that the content will simply please the eye and convey the right value. 

6. Consider the role of social questions 

If you're wondering how to optimize your landing page, so-called social proof can be a great way to build trust with your visitors. 

In life, we try to use solutions that are well known or recommended to us by friends. That is why the so-called social proof affects the "selectivity" of these, and not other options. 

A landing page can usually have a lot of places where different kinds of statistics can be woven into. Consider if your site can include, for example: 

  • other people's opinions 
  • expert images 
  • large numbers (e.g. number of completed projects or satisfied customers) 
  • awards received 
  • collaborating company logos 

Ways to optimize your landing page 

A landing page in 2022 is a page that is both graphically beautiful and effective for boosting conversions and generating leads. Although such a combination is difficult to achieve, it is quite achievable. 

The main thing is not to make mistakes. You can almost always find a lot of questions that need to be improved. Even if you think your service is perfect. 

I hope the text above will help you optimize your landing page properly. 

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