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Autoleasing website optimization

SEO promotion of Bestleasing car leasing website

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Case study: SEO for car leasing company Bestleasing

Others claim they can, but we have successfully positioned the website as a niche leader in the competitive car leasing market, surpassing the industry giants.

Bestleasing (VAB)
SEO promotion
SEO for car leasing company Bestleasing - photo №1

Main goals of optimization:

After successfully optimizing one of the client's resources, they trusted us with a project that had significant potential to demonstrate the effect of SEO promotion. Prior to Digiants agency, four other companies had been involved in the project, but none had produced any tangible results. The client decided to hand over full management of the project to us, including technical review, content recommendations and optimization of all website pages. Our goal was to achieve SEO payback within a year and ensure a consistent flow of inquiries.

Initial website audit

The initial website analysis revealed several issues, including user experience problems, technical issues such as duplicate content and pages, insufficient content and metadata, internal navigation problems and lack of mobile optimization. In 2019-2020, the website had an average of 600 users per month, including users searching for the old VAB leasing brand, loyal customers and a returning audience.

During the initial stages, we identified the following:

  • - Profile of a potential user
  • - Expansion of landing pages and business
  • - Steps of the working process and budget
  • - Original performance
  • - KPIs by which we will measurtoe results and control points


Initial metrics:

  • Keywords and queries tracked: 1661
  • Pages with high traffic potential: 125
  • Overall traffic potential: 53601 clicks per month (according to Adwords)


Website positions at start:

PositionNumber of keywords% of keywords in TOP
TOP 110.06
TOP 3452.71
TOP 51086.50
TOP 1023013.85
TOP 3046528.00
TOP 10062237.45
Not in TOP100103962.55
  • (The table shows the position of the website in the TOP 100 of the Google search engine results. The positions were determined using a specialized service that analyzed the website's semantic core for promotional purposes. For example, TOP1 row shows that the website in the beginning had 1 out of 1661 keywords ranking first in Google search results).

The potential of the main traffic is small, but given the specific search patterns of potential customers, later we made several significant decisions that affected the reach.


Building a growth strategy for a website

Upon analyzing the starting metrics and keywords, we decided to focus on several areas at once. Our work plan was designed to address basic, regional and specific car brand and model keywords. By expanding the website’s structure, we managed to cover all potential user queries and establish dominance in the search results in this niche. This led to an increase in our target audience, including customers in a ready-to-buy stage. Our long-term strategy was aimed at gradually improving the website’s quality while expanding coverage of keywords and services provided.

SEO promotion in steps:

  • Creation of useful content;
  • Distribution of keywords across the website;
  • Constant expansion of the structure of autoleasing and related topics;
  • Improvement of page crawling and indexing;
  • Constant analysis of speed and mobile user experience;
  • Development of additional pages targeting regions and car models;
  • Adding low-volume search queries;
  • Formation of useful blocks (Frequently asked questions, internal navigation);
  • Adjustments for improved user experience on the website;
  • Analysis of user behavior.


Results achieved with our SEO strategy

We have achieved great results, but there is more to come. Our client is consistently signing new partnership agreements, allowing us to expand the website by adding new car brands and destinations, not only for cars but also for other vehicles. After implementing the SEO strategy, the number of visits to the priority pages has increased 15 times in one year. Additionally, we have started creating useful content for the blog and expanding the reach with informational keywords.

  • Keywords in tracking: 1661 queries
  • Pages with high traffic potential: 125 pages
  • Overall traffic potential: 53601clicks per month (according to Adwords)


Overall ranking position growth:

TOP at the momentNumber of keywords (before)% of keywords in TOP (before) Number of keywords (after SEO)% of keywords in TOP (after SEO)
TOP 110.06 57234.44
TOP 3452.71 119772.07
TOP 51086 .50 133880.55
TOP 1023013.85 140884.77
TOP 3046528.00 147088.50
TOP 10062237.45 162197.59
Not in TOP100103962.55 402.41


Keyword position improvements:

KeywordInitial positionCurrent positionVolume
auto in leasing lviv>1001140
buy a used car on lease371480
car leasing2022400
buy a car on lease272390
car leasing Kiev>1002590
buy a car on lease492320
car leasing>1003390
car leasing odessa>1004210
buy a used car after leasing>1004110
  • Volume - the number of searches per month.
  • Initial position - position of the keyword in Google identified during the initial audit.
  • Current position - position of the keyword in Google after the implementation of our SEO strategy.
  • This table includes only high-volume keywords in this niche, medium- and low-volume keywords have higher positions.


Website visits - 2020 vs 2021 comparison

Google Analytics clicks9058244
Google Search Console clicks111710350
Google Search Console impressions39754529886


Comparison of top clicks in 2020 and 2021:

Service prices

SEO package "RETAIL"
(for online stores/catalogs)
600 $ / month
(for online stores/catalogs)
800 $ / month
SEO package "OPTIMAL"
(for B2B websites)
500 $ / month
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